Analyze, Plan, Goal-set, Measure, Succeed, Celebrate!

Roy A. Sandoval

Dr. Ron Rickel


Southwest School Turnarounds

  • -Analysis and recommendations relative to school and/or district practices including instruction, assessment, use of data and personnel.

  • -Developing and monitoring high quality, short term (90 day) goals.

  • -Connecting the school or district with effective resources.

  • -Establishing significant data points reflecting school improvement over time.

  • -Creating and maintaining data walls that effectively depict student academic progress and needs.

  • -Creating effective, data based presentations for the Governing Board and community.

  • -Creating a data based instruction model including benchmark testing, intervention and data talks.

  • -One to one sustained support and consultation for a school or district turnaround, including governing board, superintendent, primary and secondary principals.

  • -Instructional staff development relative to student engagement.

  • -State requirements such as ALEAT and PMI.

  • -Administrative staff development relative to leadership and connecting with students.

-Contract for administrative management services including superintendent and principal duties.

Areas of Assistance